Jumat, 31 Agustus 2012

Having A Coke With You by Frank O'Hara.

First of all, sorry for the late post. A very late one. I've been dealing with some stuff: boyfriends, friends, studies... And I ended up with a single status, a major 'sandcastle' issues, and... waiting for my thesis test. So far, my life has been... You get the idea. :)

But this maybe a chance to turn things around. To not depend on anyone or anything except my own actions. So... in a way, I'm kinda excited, despite I am in my low point of life. And speaking of which, the poem that I mentioned in the title is one of the things that lifted me up. Sweet and lovely. Maybe I shouldn't read this, since its obviously about two people falling in love, but it's so nice and soothing that I couldn't stand not showing this to everyone. Hope you enjoy this. :)


is even more fun than going to San Sebastian, IrĂșn, Hendaye, Biarritz, Bayonne
or being sick to my stomach on the Travesera de Gracia in Barcelona
partly because in your orange shirt you look like a better happier St. Sebastian
partly because of my love for you, partly because of your love for yoghurt
partly because of the fluorescent orange tulips around the birches
partly because of the secrecy our smiles take on before people and statuary
it is hard to believe when I'm with you that there can be anything as still
as solemn as unpleasantly definitive as statuary when right in front of it
in the warm New York 4 o'clock light we are drifting back and forth
between each other like a tree breathing through its spectacles

and the portrait show seems to have no faces in it at all, just paint
you suddenly wonder why in the world anyone ever did them

I look
at you and I would rather look at you than all the portraits in the world
except possibly for the Polish Rider occasionally and anyway it's in the Frick
which thank heavens you haven't gone to yet so we can go together the first time
and the fact that you move so beautifully more or less takes care of Futurism
just as at home I never think of the Nude Descending a Staircase or
at a rehearsal a single drawing of Leonardo or Michelangelo that used to wow me
and what good does all the research of the Impressionists do them
when they never got the right person to stand near the tree when the sun sank
or for that matter Marino Marini when he didn't pick the rider as carefully
as the horse

it seems they were all cheated of some marvelous experience
which is not going to go wasted on me which is why I am telling you about it

—Frank O'Hara

Minggu, 15 Juli 2012

A Knight's Tale

Ini benar2 film yang menghapus galau saya. :) Judulnya A Knight's Tale, keluar tahun 2001. Sayang aja yang jadi tokoh utama udah ga ada :| but otherwise, this is a brilliant movie.

The story is about a help. Seorang pembantu bernama William dari seorang kesatria, dan kedua orang temannya (yang juga pembantu), Roland dan Wat. Nah, saat si kesatria (yang ternyata udah tua) seharusnya memasuki pertandingan terakhir... dia meninggal. Para pembantunya frustasi karena udah ga makan berhari2 demi mengurus turnamen yang si kesatria ini ikuti, dan menggantungkan hidup mereka pada hadiahnya. Pertandingannya adalah jousting- adu tombak. Akhirnya William, yang hanya berencana untuk menang dan mendapatkan hadiah pada awalnya, memasuki pertandingan tersebut. Padahal secara teori seorang putra rakyat biasa tidak boleh bertanding, karena bukanlah orang yang berdarah biru.

Pertandingan dimulai, dan voila, William menang. Akhirnya ia berpikir, sebenarnya ia bisa menjadi seorang kesatria. Yang dibutuhkan hanyalah sedikit kepintaran (baca:penipuan ^^) dan latihan jousting + berpedang. Dan disana dimulailah petualangan William dan teman2nya. Di perjalanannya dia akan bertemu beberapa teman dan musuh, dan juga seorang putri yang membuatnya jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama. Pokoknya TOP deh. It shows you that a man can change his stars.

Berikut saya akan bagi beberapa quote yang saya senangi dari film itu. :)

You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting. In what world could you possibly beat me? 
- Adhemar, Will/Sir Ulrich nemesis. 

It is strange to think, I haven't seen you since a month. I have seen the new moon, but not you. I have seen sunsets and sunrises, but nothing of your beautiful face. The pieces of my broken heart are so small that they could be passed through the eye of a needle. I miss you like the sun misses the flower; like the sun misses the flower in the depths of winter. Instead of beauty to direct its light to, the heart hardens like the frozen world your absence has banished me to. I next compete in the city of Paris, I will find it empty and in the winter if you are not there. Hope guides me, that is what gets me through the day and especially the night. The hope that after you're gone from my sight, it will not be the last time that I look upon you. 
-William's letter to Jocelyn, his love at first sight. 

Chaucer: And one and two and three and four and your hands should be light like a birdie on a branch. And one and two and three and four and Wat doesn't lead he follows like a girl. 
[Wat punches him. Scene changes, and Chaucer now has a tissue stuck up one nostril
Chaucer: And one and two and twirlie twirlie twirlie! And one and two and you're still getting it wrong! And one and two and three and four you can hit me all day cause you punch like a... what? 
Roland: A girl! 
-Chaucer, Roland, Wat. Chaucer is Will's/Sir Ulrich's herald. In Indonesia? Juru bicara. They're trying to dance properly for Will's first party. Chaucer's trying to teach, even though I think he doesn't succeed. At all. ^^

William: I'm Ulrich von Leichtenstein, from Guilderland, and these are my faithful squires. 
[gestures to Roland
William: Delves, of Dogington, 
[gestures to Wat
William: and Falhurst, of Crew. 
Chaucer: I'm Richard the Lionheart. Pleased to meet you. No, wait a minute, I'm Charlemagne. No, I'm Saint John the Baptist! 
[William draws a large knife
William: All right, hold your tongue sir, or lose it. 
Chaucer: Now you see *that* I do believe, Sir Ulrich. 
-When William and Chaucer first met. I like the quote that I've bolded. :)

Chaucer: You're good. You're very good. My lords, my ladies, and everybody else here not sitting on a cushion! 
[crowd roars
Chaucer: Today... today, you find yourselves equals. 
[crowd roars
Chaucer: For you are all equally blessed. For I have the pride, the privilege, nay, the pleasure of introducing to you to a knight, sired by knights. A knight who can trace his lineage back beyond Charlemagne. I first met him atop a mountain near Jerusalem, praying to God, asking his forgiveness for the Saracen blood spilt by his sword. Next, he amazed me still further in Italy when he saved a fatherless beauty from the would-be ravishing of her dreadful Turkish uncle. 
[crowd, boo
Chaucer: In Greece he spent a year in silence just to better understand the sound of a whisper. And so without further gilding the lily and with no more ado, I give to you, the seeker of serenity, the protector of Italian virginity, the enforcer of our Lord God, the one, the only, Sir Ulllrrrich von Lichtenstein! 
[crowd roars
Chaucer: Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week. 
-Chaucer's intro before William's first official match as Ulrich von Leichtenstein. I like it! :D

[trying to convince the squires to bet that William will win, when they believe the French knight will win
French Squire: An Englishman will not win this French tournament. English legs are unsteady on French soil. 
French Squire: And because French wine is too much for English bellies. 
French Squire: And most importantly, because the Pope himself is French. 
Roland: [finally gives in] Well, the Pope may be French, but Jesus is bloody English! You're on! 
-When Sir Ulrich's helpers want to bet against the French. This conversation is hilarious to me. XD

And there's many more! You should try watching the movie! :)

M, over and out. 

Jumat, 13 Juli 2012

Lucid by Roberta Day

Karena saya sedang galau, lebih baik saya kasih kalian puisi saja ya. I just stumbled upon this, and I find it quite beautiful. :)


by Roberta Day
I want to sleep forever and reside in my dreams
           To frolic through a collage of different spectacles and scenes
                An escape from the insufferable, cruel world at large
I want to sleep forever

I want to sleep forever so I can live in my dreams
           The ruler of the lands, the queen of all kings
               With nothing to fear but the darkside of the conscience
I want to sleep forever

I want to sleep forever and fight my inner demons
        Provide peace of mind for all bothered and exhausted
              Float on utter bliss; those monsters, I'll never miss
I want to sleep forever

I want to sleep forever and never show sadness again
        Bright, long-lasting smiles on weekly sullen days
             Created and maintained in a variety of ways
I want to sleep forever

I want to sleep forever to erase everything
       I want to sleep forever and feel warmth again
           To bathe myself in content that won't ever end
Let me sleep forever

Rabu, 04 Juli 2012

Books that I've read recently

Okay... Between my PTC website and trying to get sleepy/drowsy, I'll write about a few (okay, lots of) books I have read recently.

I've done reading this in English in about... I don't know... two-three hours? Maybe a few minutes more. :D Yeah, for the guys, maybe you don't understand what girls like from Stephenie Meyer's books. But I have to admit, her words are fixating my eyes! Adventure, romance, thrill, everything wrapped up into one slim hard-cover book. Oh, and I got this one at a discount price. #win First of all, I love that she made Bree as a quiet but smart newborn vampire. Despite her hunger, Bree succeeded at finding out about the truth: How vampires are actually not vulnerable to sunlight, how whoever changed her was up to no good, and all the lies Riley, the watch-dog for the newborns, was a flat out one. It's just too bad that she's, you know... dead. :|

"You are beautiful, Susie Salmon."-Ray Singh

I haven't finished reading this one (and I bought this one in Indonesian at Book Fair... Hey, I have a weakness for cheap-but-high-quality novel!), not because I hate it. But because I was afraid to finished it, since I already saw the movie. Nice beginning, pretty much standard and long middle... I don't love it, but I like Alice Sebold's unique story-telling. Oh, and how she describe the era. :) Favourite character? Ray Singh, of course! Different yet smart. And Susie's sister, Lindsey. Even sneakier and smarter.

I bought this particular old story in English at the same Book Fair, just because I'm curious about the real story. Not the short version I've heard all my life. So far, so good, but I haven't finished it yet. Definitely suitable for children's story. :)

Yes, I know. Another Stephenie Meyer book. Is she my favourite writer, you ask? Haha, not really. Particularly on this book. I bought it in English, and it makes me... what's the word? Confused? Loopy? Well, all of the above, maybe. But I kinda grasp the spine of the story, though I'm not really sure I understand the garnish. Uncle Jeb underground hide-out, for example. I can't quite wrap my mind around it. Too bad the Indonesian is far more expensive than the English. Well, I do bought it at discount price (again). :p

I think I spend all my luck finding this sucker. Only one left, and also discounted! I have been searching for this book for months! And now, Rick Riordan is one of my favourite writer, so the inside are really not disappointing at all. His stories are easy to understand, but also adventurous. I've finished reading it in about an hour. Maybe less. :D

Well, that's all I can say about my recently read books for now. M, over and out! ^^

Minggu, 01 Juli 2012

50 Random Questions. :)

1. Where were you 3 hours ago?
2. Who are you in love with?
Haha... not telling~
3. Have you ever eaten a crayon?
4. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
My clothes.
5. When is the last time you went to the mall?
6. Are you wearing socks right now?
7. Do you have a car worth over $2,000?
I don't think so.
8. When was the last time you drove out of town?
I... forgot.
9. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
10. Are you hot?
Not really. It's actually chilly today.
11. What was the last thing you had to drink?
12. What are you wearing right now?
Shorts and shirts.
13. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it?
I never wash a car. I don't have one.
14. Last food that you ate?
A lunch set.
15. Where were you last week at this time?
The very same spot: in front of my laptop.
16. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
I don't think so.
17. When is the last time you ran?
emmm... yesterday?
18. What's the last sporting event you watched?
19. What is your favorite animal?
Dog. Cat. Owl. Turtle. Oh... you mean just one?
20. Your dream vacation?
Anywhere abroad.
21. Last person's house you were in?
My parents...?
22. Worst injury you've ever had?
Dislocated feet.
23. Have you been in love?
24. Do you miss anyone right now?
25. Last play you saw?
Soe Hok Gie.
26. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
Haha! Well if I tell you, that wouldn't be much of a secret, doesn't it? :)
27. What are your plans for tonight?
Editing my ppt.
28. Who is the last person you sent a MySpace message or comment?
Gosh, I forgot. I haven't used MySpace in a while.
29. Next trip you are going to take?
30. Ever go to camp?
31. Were you an honor roll student in school?
No... I think.
32. What do you want to know about the future?
So many things, I can't really say. Personal stuff. :D
33. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?
34. Are you due sometime this year for a doctor's visit?
35. Where is your best friend?
Somewhere in Surabaya. And in his/her room.
36. How is your best friend?
Fine... I guess.
37. Do you have a tan?
I don't think so.
38. What are you listening to right now?
My TV.
39. Do you collect anything?
40. Who is the biggest gossiper you know?
Hahahahahha. Not me, for sure.
41. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over?
42. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?
43. What does your last text message say?
44. Do you like hot sauce?
45. Last time you took a shower?
Yesterday evening.
46. Do you need to do laundry?
Not really.
47. What is your heritage?
48. Are you someone's best friend?
Of course! Duh.
49. Are you rich?
50. What were you doing at 12AM last night?

Rabu, 27 Juni 2012

A Beautiful Poem for Tonight.

It's crunch time, and... I'm not in the mood for long posts. Jadi biar saya kasih saja salah satu puisi favorit yang sy dpt dr inet, oke? :D

I love this poem. Loooveee it. And you should, too. ^^

M, over and out.

Minggu, 24 Juni 2012

My art project: Antique carriage! :)

Cuman mau sharing beberapa foto art project gue... Masi newbie dalam hal ini, jadi klo krg rapi ya maap2 aja.

Gw dapet rangkanya dari ngubek2 gudang.... Terus gw putusin untuk mencoba bikin. Eh ternyata gampang! ^^

Gw cat dengan cat minyak warna coklat. Unyuw kan? #senang ^^ Terus pengennya sih roda nya gw kasi warna coklat jg, cuma lebih gelap. sayangnyaaaa gw salah nyampurin cat. Jadinya begini deh T.T

Roda yang terlalu item. Huhu. Tapi kalo ada yang mau kasih lagi rangkanya, gw berani jamin gw bakal bikin lebih rapih deh. Ada yang mau? :D Btw, ini tempat gw buat kereta ini. Yah, sekaligus buat gw ngelukis jg sih.

Art project selanjutnya adalah melukis gambar di kanvas. Sayangnya gw kurang cat putih. Ada yg maw nyumbang? :)

M, over and out!