Dari dulu sampai sekarang, gue ternyata baru sadar bahwa gue sangat sering melihat Stanley Tucci di berbagai film yg gw tonton. The same thing happen to me on Josh Hutcherson, a.k.a Peeta Mellark, but because I decided to babble about Sea of Monsters, this guy comes first. Maybe later, I'll talk about dear Peeta. :D
For you guys who don't know Stanley Tucci is (and of course, too lazy to click on my link --"), here's a pic of him.
Ring a bell? No? Okay. Mungkin gw cerita aja kali ya dari awal, gimana pertama kali gw nyadar muka org ini sering muncul di layar kaca.
Pertama kali gw liat Stanley Tucci (I mean, realllyyyy looked at him), itu adalah di film ini: Maid in Manhattan. Disini dia memerankan seorang perwakilan calon senator yg disiplin, meski sang senatornya sendiri nyantai abeesss. Haha. Si senator ini (dimainkan oleh Ralph Fiennes) adalah pria yang ada di poster tentu saja, yang merupakan tokoh utama dan lawan main Jennifer Lopez. O_o If you haven't watch it, you should. I give it 3.5 out of 5 star. Lucu, romantis, pokoknya top deh.
Nah, kedua kalinya Stanley Tucci menangkap perhatian saya, adalah di film ini.
Bisa tebak dia jadi siapa? You can see him in the poster, though. For more clue, here's his picture in the film:
Yeah. If you still haven't figured it out, he's the murderer. Yang membunuh anak2 kecilnya itu loh. #shiver I personally doesn't like this genre, tapi pesan filmnya masuk banget. Meskipun si Mr. Tucci jahat disini, dia cocok dgn perannya. Salute!
Kemudian! Pasti kalian tahu dia main film apa saat gw tunjukkan gambar ini... :D
Hahaha, yes people! He's Dr. Abraham Erskine, from Captain America: The First Avengers! And last but not least... His latest gig! Well, before Sea of Monsters, of course. I'll just give you his picture. I'm sure you'll figure it out. :)
Keterlaluan kalau kalian ga tau. Keterlaluan!! :D Yes, he's Caesar Flickerman from The Hunger Games. This is my favourite character played by Stanley Tucci. I mean, look at his sparkling full-teeth smile! And his friendliness when interviewing the Tributes... despite most of them would be killed later in the Games. :| Love this one!
Nah, sekarang, kembali ke topik. Dia sebagai Dionysus. Ga seperti post gw sebelumnya ttg Nathan Fillion/Hermes, gw gatau harus bilang dia cocok ato ngga utk karakter yg satu ini. Mr. Tucci has played characters that is very variated and random. Lucu, serem, serius... gue udah pernah liat dia main semuanya. In short, he's a great actor, really. Tapi gw ga bisa bilang dia akan cocok sbg Dionysus. Knp? Simpel. Krn gw lm perna liat dia main karakter yg mirip sama si dewa anggur. :)
But I've got some pictures of him from the set of Sea of Monsters. Does he fit the bill? Well, you'll be the judge. And me, after I see the first trailer. :D Utk skrg, saya angkat tgn dulu deh. hehe.
The scruffiness fits, though. :D
M, over and out! :)
NB: Pics are all from Google.
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