Rabu, 04 Juli 2012

Books that I've read recently

Okay... Between my PTC website and trying to get sleepy/drowsy, I'll write about a few (okay, lots of) books I have read recently.

I've done reading this in English in about... I don't know... two-three hours? Maybe a few minutes more. :D Yeah, for the guys, maybe you don't understand what girls like from Stephenie Meyer's books. But I have to admit, her words are fixating my eyes! Adventure, romance, thrill, everything wrapped up into one slim hard-cover book. Oh, and I got this one at a discount price. #win First of all, I love that she made Bree as a quiet but smart newborn vampire. Despite her hunger, Bree succeeded at finding out about the truth: How vampires are actually not vulnerable to sunlight, how whoever changed her was up to no good, and all the lies Riley, the watch-dog for the newborns, was a flat out one. It's just too bad that she's, you know... dead. :|

"You are beautiful, Susie Salmon."-Ray Singh

I haven't finished reading this one (and I bought this one in Indonesian at Book Fair... Hey, I have a weakness for cheap-but-high-quality novel!), not because I hate it. But because I was afraid to finished it, since I already saw the movie. Nice beginning, pretty much standard and long middle... I don't love it, but I like Alice Sebold's unique story-telling. Oh, and how she describe the era. :) Favourite character? Ray Singh, of course! Different yet smart. And Susie's sister, Lindsey. Even sneakier and smarter.

I bought this particular old story in English at the same Book Fair, just because I'm curious about the real story. Not the short version I've heard all my life. So far, so good, but I haven't finished it yet. Definitely suitable for children's story. :)

Yes, I know. Another Stephenie Meyer book. Is she my favourite writer, you ask? Haha, not really. Particularly on this book. I bought it in English, and it makes me... what's the word? Confused? Loopy? Well, all of the above, maybe. But I kinda grasp the spine of the story, though I'm not really sure I understand the garnish. Uncle Jeb underground hide-out, for example. I can't quite wrap my mind around it. Too bad the Indonesian is far more expensive than the English. Well, I do bought it at discount price (again). :p

I think I spend all my luck finding this sucker. Only one left, and also discounted! I have been searching for this book for months! And now, Rick Riordan is one of my favourite writer, so the inside are really not disappointing at all. His stories are easy to understand, but also adventurous. I've finished reading it in about an hour. Maybe less. :D

Well, that's all I can say about my recently read books for now. M, over and out! ^^

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